FSBO 'For Sale By Owner'

Many people are talking about this, especially those who are in the market to sell their home but something seems to be missing...

All the facts!

In a recent article by REM (Real Estate Magazine), 9 things FSBO companies don't want consumers to know, Wes Hoover points out the truth about claims made by FSBO.

One of the biggest points, 'they aren't held to any code of ethics'.

Having a business code of ethics outlines how a business will run, determines it's priorities and values and in general holds associated business staff accountable for their conduct.

"Real estate agents across Canada are held to a strict code of ethics by CREA. They take the liability if something goes wrong. They are also held to higher standards in advertising and they have duties to you as a client."

"The bottom line is that your property is an investment and you want to maximize your gain from it; much like your other financial investments."                                        SUNDAYBELL May 2, 2011

Make the best choice.  Call a professional so there are NO surprises!

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